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Incorrect Message for Faunabond Rejuvenation

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:39 am
by MrFrank
Ok so I don't know how this is bugging out exactly, but in the messages window I'm not seeing the correct pet name after I selected an allied pet to rejuvenate via Faunabond. I first chose a Judgemaster at random but don't remember which one it was, so I was surprised that it showed up as "Aethersprite has been rejuvenated".

The second time I specifically targeted a low AP Judgemaster (Sundance), and in the pets tab I can see it's AP went up but the messages window still says I rejuv'd an Aethersprite belonging to a different petmaster entirely. Maybe because it's at the top of the list... idk?

Screenshots for the second instance of rejuvenation attached with location blanked out, I have the unedited ones if those are needed.

Re: Incorrect Message for Faunabond Rejuvenation

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 6:53 pm
by GreatCatatonic
GreatCatatonic also rejuvenated a couple of those Aethersprites and also got the message that Sipazianna was the one rejuvenated. Looks like the skill is working as it should, but the message is just fetching the first pet on the list.


Re: Incorrect Message for Faunabond Rejuvenation

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:10 am
by MrFrank
Tried rejuv again, with sprites gone and testing it on a Judge lower on the list the message displayed is still for the first pet on the list.