A corruptor ( clash.php?op=character&id=528 ), with tainted wings doing 13 unholy and loaded with a spell doing 13 impact, attacks a Nexus Champ with (Resistance and) Adaptation ( clash.php?op=character&id=10916 ).
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- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 20 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 1 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 10 points of impact damage! You gain 30 XP. (2022-03-25 13:41:36).
- You say, "Wonder what you are adapted to..." (2022-03-25 13:41:56).
- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 0 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 13 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 10 points of impact damage! You gain 10 XP. (2022-03-25 13:42:01).
- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 12 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 1 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 0 points of impact damage! You gain 12 XP. (2022-03-25 13:42:10).
Second hit does 0 unholy, 10 Impact. Still good I believe, no unholy due to Adapted, and impact takes the usual 3 soak from Tattoo of Resistance.
Third hit things are not as good. Adapted to Impact now. Attack does 12 Unholy even though Resistance has 4 unholy soak. The unholy soak was reduced by soaked supplemental even though the target was immune to that type.
I'm not in a position to test this but it seems like the supplemental soak check is ignoring resistance/immunity.
So aside from this particular, I could imagine for example, reducing an IB's armor using fire supplemental which ought to only tickle, grinding down an advocate with supplemental unholy from any ol' demonic boon, or hitting a tanky Water HC harder with impact supplement.