Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

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Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

Post by SaltedSalmon »

Good Liches and Elementalists should be able to toggle on Lightspeaker rules for pet targeting. That is to say, pets don't target Good characters and don't cause morality loss when acting in self defense.
If the Transcended are free to choose to fight for Good, they should be allowed to follow their rules, too.
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Re: Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

Post by Kandarin »

It's an appealing idea (not least because it's a single easily flipped and thus easily coded database switch) but angel pets do what they do because of their very nature, whereas ferocious undead and amoral elements would have to be pressured into it.

If this is possible it should take the assistance of a Lightspeaker somehow - whether through a new skill or a new aspect of an existing one.
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Re: Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

Post by Nayru »

it was neutral pets attacking my vs hostile pets (i.e. retaliative combat) that weren't actually overtly hostile to those pets (fac politics) that made me go from 40 to -40 in half an hour or so due to getting farmed by a very large quantity of two lich sets of pets that all shifted mo as if they were players

not attacking good + not shifting mo retaliating vs good wouldn't do anything in that scenario, all that mattered is that because my pets weren't on defensive and what provoked them wasn't evil i got mo nuked hard

and that's really at the heart of non-angel pet mechanics and why trans summoners that don't indulge sm healgrinds in their cp build are bound to be eviltrapped forever, if your pets are ever >defensive, nothing else matters - all it takes is one good mo summoner's singular pet to provoke your pets for a slight mo hit at worst, put their pets on defensive (or passive if extremely malicious) which makes them immediately stop being subject to mo loss and watch you drop to evil mo and become a target that then gains them mo if their pet set > yours and they can kill your eviltrapped ass afterwards

i don't think anyone'll properly understand until they look away from the game for an hour and come back to 80 mo shift

meanwhile my nc obliterates everyone and everything and is stuck at 40 mo after starting with -40 mo, love mo mechanics
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Re: Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

Post by Nova »

Kandarin wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:17 am It's an appealing idea (not least because it's a single easily flipped and thus easily coded database switch) but angel pets do what they do because of their very nature, whereas ferocious undead and amoral elements would have to be pressured into it.

If this is possible it should take the assistance of a Lightspeaker somehow - whether through a new skill or a new aspect of an existing one.
Do liches not have control over their swarms of undead? Needing to be pressured into it or no, if the lich wants to exert that pressure why would they need an angel to help them do it?

While there might be other issues with being a good nonangel petmaster as Nayru pointed out I really don't understand why such a simple thing, both to code and to explain, would be locked behind that. Transcendeds in neutral factions can still be good too.
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Re: Pets: Toggling Pets to not target Good

Post by SaltedSalmon »

Nayru wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:18 am not attacking good + not shifting mo retaliating vs good wouldn't do anything in that scenario, all that mattered is that because my pets weren't on defensive and what provoked them wasn't evil i got mo nuked hard
Soo... It'll take them not attacking neutrals + not shifting MO retaliating versus neutral, too?
Sounds simple enough. I'm for it.
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