With Brothers Bond, Summon Aethersprite will produce 2-4 aethersprites with the same name (if one has selected names for aethersprites, of course). This is both a little disconcerting ("who let all these Paul Gerson Unnas in here") and possibly useful (if you want to know how many aethersprites you got, e.g., by counting how many Paul Gerson Unnas showed up today). I am in the disconcerted-camp ("oh, I let all those Paul Gerson Unnas in here, eek"), so I'd like to have each one get its own name from my big list of aethersprite names. For the benefit of those who like counting Paul Gerson Unnas, this could be optional.
I did wonder if the expected value of 2.5 Paul Gerson Unnas per summon (per the wiki) was correct. Possibly the distribution is something like [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4]? Just curious. Obviously as a summoner of Paul Gerson Unnas, I'd prefer a higher expected value, but mostly I'm just intrigued because 2.5 is clearly the result of discrete distribution shenanigans. Diophantine discrete distribution shenanigans, even, the best kind.