Elementalist Pets: Minor Pet - Buff

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Elementalist Pets: Minor Pet - Buff

Post by Meric »

Outside of no decay and Enhanced Summoning possibly turning their 5 dmg into 10 dmg (140cp to get there) the Minor Elementalist pets havent got tonnes going for them.

Would suggest minor buffs granted to the Elementalist based on their elemental background and having the pets out.
  • For every Cirri summoned the Elementalist gains +1% defence to a maximum of 6%
  • For every 2 Gnomes summoned the Elementalist gains +1 soak against the mundanes (I,P,S) to a maximum of 3
  • For every Ember summoned the Elementalist gains +2% search chance to a maximum of 12%
  • For every Naiad summoned the Elementalist has a 1% chance to skip over the ap cost of movement to a maximum of 6% / or 2% hide chance to a maximum of 12%
If considered too overpowered it could be tired to the Elementalist also having the perquisite "X Adapt" Skill. So to gain the full search bonus the Elementalist would need 6 embers out and Fire Adapt Skill. A 60cp / 60mp cost to gain it.

Or if considered too overpowered it could be a capstone effect for having all 6 minor pets out at the same time. 6 Cirri = 6% defence and 5 = 0%.
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Re: Elementalist Pets: Minor Pet - Buff

Post by Goliath »

Summoning capstones do sound very interesting, though it might warrant its own skill (either as an elemental child or quintessence generic pet skill a la Enhanced Summoning)
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Re: Elementalist Pets: Minor Pet - Buff

Post by Nayru »

they're currently a bit overtuned as they have truesight so they're like mass 10 damage wisps/imps

if that gets nixed though their primary issues are the lopsided stats and 15 hp (i.e. 2-3 ticked by auras and that's that)

generally recall there being utility perks slated for the minors but seems never went through, with some of that and a look at elem pet stats in general they'd prol be fairly well off
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Re: Elementalist Pets: Minor Pet - Buff

Post by cat »

More elemental skills would be welcome for the reasons mentioned; also so that there is more build diversity/choice in Elementalist.
At the moment "take a 30CP skill you don't want just to get max Attunement to your fave element" isn't very rewarding. There should be a max/cap on Attunement, that goes hand in hand with adding more skills, otherwise you end back up at "take useless, unrelated skills to gain tiny benefit".
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