Interface/Gameplay: "Free Skill" rework

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Interface/Gameplay: "Free Skill" rework

Post by Lychwood »

I was just thinking about how some folks are a little unhappy with the T2 and T3 free skills which sometimes don't fit into the builds they're making. For example Conduits are given Code of Efficiency, a crafting skill, when their player might be fully focused on a ranged combat build and not pursuing crafting at all.

One solution to this might be giving players who enter a new tier a selection of "Free skills" to choose from in the same way we are presented with a selection upon character creation. That way the player has a little bit of agency in the matter, while leaving devs the option of offering a limited selection of "approved" free skills if that fits their design preference.

I can see this having issues in the case of free skills like "Strength of Darkness" on the Revenant, where the skill shapes a core class mechanic. One workaround for that might be to make those core mechanics hard-coded into the class rather than part of a skill.

Anyway, just a thought I had, submitted for consideration.
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Re: "Free Skill" rework

Post by cat »


I've been thinking about this too. My suggestion was for each T3 to have two skills to choose from; this gives choice while mechanically and narratively keeping the T3s defined and unique.

Another thought was making the free/core skill for each T3 the movement skill. While there are some builds that don't value a moveskill highly, or where the moveskill has multiple options (e.g. Elementalist) those situations are rare.

A mix of the two could be a good temporary/compromise solution for B5: give a choice between the current T3 core skill and the move skill as the free skill.
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Re: Interface/Gameplay: "Free Skill" rework

Post by Fellis »

I asked Lychwood to post this after a discord discussion, replicating the opening screen where you select a free skill is a nice way to herald the entrance to T2 and it does allow some variety. I have been a little ambivalent of some of the class free skills that are keyed towards a specific build/playstyle (Dark Oppressor, Conduit, Revenant definitely to name 3).

I also think that there is a lot more complexity in the game, which is not an awful thing! I very much enjoy it, however not everyone does. My go-to example for this is always Pariah, which I love the design for and it has a lot of interesting synergy and very valuable skills. However much of this gameplay is charge attacks and managing MP/picking the right attacks in the right order while also managing HP from stygian fury losses. It's fascinating to me, but what if a player is more the "5 minutes and done click stuff" style? I think there could be room for having mutually exclusive free skills (can't be purchased otherwise) with child skills that give something simpler to do, but possibly not as powerful as the highest skill-cap form of a class.

This is not any indication that something like this is coming into the game anytime soon, just an idea I found interesting and wanted put forward here! Thanks Lych!
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Re: Interface/Gameplay: "Free Skill" rework

Post by Alyss »

I personally think that free skills being set to one only is not necessarily the problem, the issue is more with the design of some free skills. Ideally a free skill should introduce or at least tease at a gameplay feature core to and/or a unique strength of the class, and yes be as useful for as many builds of the class as possible. Even though I'm not crazy about all of the design of the class, I think Fallen's new free skill 'Fractured Vessel' is an example of good B5 free skill design. Overall I don't mind the lack of choice as long as it helps focus the playstyle without requiring too many build specifics to support it.

With Conduit I honestly think the main thing ailing it here has been the desirability of enchanting and alchemy being rug-pulled from under it at least somewhat, although I also definitely agree that some classes are easier said than done to do "core gameplay feature" free skills for. With Conduit, it might just look like a grab bag of utility/support type bonuses or cost reductions, since they cover a lot of roles. Maybe slap that it doesn't suffer death degrades at all on top.

Quite a few other classes with questionable or more situational free skills feel like they're just down to a poor selection. VW having Stepping of the Corner as free as opposed to Mark of the Assassin, Initiate of the Shadow or... unironically Ether Stepping, if only since VW is meant to be a fast girl, all seem better present choices.
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