Lich Pet: Carrion Birds

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Lich Pet: Carrion Birds

Post by Meric »

Lich Pet idea as an alternative to Servitor of the Grave. Idea spawned from a bug whereby my Ghouls were briefly de-attached and then reattached to my Lich.

Rationale: Get PMs outside of SH. Give alt play to the static servitor, raise, servitor, raise x 10 process. Also to give the Lich the little birdy on his artwork he hasnt currently got. It would be a rather weak pet compared to Wisps and Zombies which are also 30cp but boosted by its support mechanics, longevity and possible planting mechanics.

Flock of Carrion Birds
10mp Summon (no req)
Attack: 45%
MP: 20
AP: 140
HP: 30
Attack Damage: 5 piercing
Defence: 10%
Heals self 1/2 damage dealt rounded up (3hp max)
Can be rejuvenated for 1ap/5mp if a corpse is present. This uses up corpse as they are feeding on it.
Can attack flying
Can only be set to non-allied as flock is barely controllable
Normal pet decay
No secondary damage
Despawn on Lich death
When Lich is also airborne (flying potion or Vestige) gives Lich +10% defence (a nice little situational boon)

Activate ability: "Smell Death" for 1ap (Lich) and 5ap/5mp (Carrion Birds). Outside only. When used the map interface (or pop up) appears indicating where and how many corpses are in the surrounding 5x5 grid with colouration indicating how many. Picture attached.

Black = No bodies
Yellow = 1 body
Light Green = 2 body
Dark Green = +3 bodies
Red = Occupied Tile

Alternative Activate ability: Could have it that they are like tentacles BUT can be optionally set to follow Lich or be "planted" in a location with a corpse in it. If the corpse moves / despawns they stay. The Lich has to go and "collect" them if he wants them to follow him. Plus Lich needs to be within 2 square of them at all times otherwise they disperse. Essentially a mobile pet you can anchor and leave under specific criteria.

Alternative: Could have green versions of the sprites we see normally when others are on tiles and have them turned sideways for the sense death for any colour-concerned players.
Additional options: Could have it that the smell death also includes Lichs and Revs in the tally like a watered down Trans version of Demon Hunter.
Additional options: When flock is present on a tile it gives the "fog" weather effect of obscuring the tile from outside observers (but not looking out from the tile).
Smell death.jpg
Smell death.jpg (53.11 KiB) Viewed 2921 times
Last edited by Meric on Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Lich Pet: Carrion Birds

Post by Repth »

Sounds fun as heck.
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