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[Skill] Increased Hellspawn/Transcension/Empyreal Bond(?) Functionality

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:49 pm
by Skouth
What if you could choose which neighborhood you wanted to respawn in using the aligned spawn skills?
Like say you're a lich and you wanted to go to the northeastern part of purgatorio to get some skelebros going
Or you're an angel and, knowing you're going to respawn in elysium, hedge your bets and choose the neighborhood with the portal out of that infernal plane
or you want to grind books in purg so you choose the 'hoods with libraries
There could be drawbacks to that like maybe you pay the full respawn cost for picking your spawn neighborhood or only t3 classes can do it (don't like that) or you forfeit your boon or something
think about it