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Gameplay: Change AoE messages

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:02 pm
by SaltedSalmon
Random AoE log for reference:
- You attack the area with a(n) area-effect casting of the Nerf Dart spell. Your attack affected 20 characters and/or pets. Total damage done was 90, total effective soaks were 0, total ignored soaks were 0, and total applied soaks were 0. (2022-04-01 02:54:47).

"Your attack affected 20 characters and/or pets"
Why do AoE attacks reveal every hidden or invisible person on the tile? That makes no sense.
I propose the text be changed to:
"Your attack damaged X characters and/or pets"
Where damaged only lists the amount of people actually hit by it.

Alternatively just completely remove this part of the message.

Re: Gameplay: Change AoE messages

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 9:27 pm
by Goliath

Re: Gameplay: Change AoE messages

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:25 am
by SaltedSalmon
This is close enough so I'll lump it here too:
- You unleash an exultant shout, causing the structures in the area to tremble in anticipation of your righteous assault. All good-aligned characters in the area will deal extra damage to doors and fortifications for the next 20 status ticks. Your use of this skill affected 4 characters. (2022-03-27 21:05:56).
Advocate's offensive prayers also reveal the amount of good characters in the area, even if they're hidden or invisible. No thanks!