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Skill: Sniper of the Creeping Chill (buff)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:18 am
by Goliath
- Skill no longer prevents from breaking hide on-attack
- Skill now grants the following toggle status (activate for 1 AP, deactivate freely):
-- Steady Breath: Attacks from hiding have their hiding bonus damage halved (+0/+2/+4 based at Hide ranks 0/1/2), but no longer break hiding and aren't detected by your target. (I don't know if this should or shouldn't aggro pets.)

Re: Skill: Sniper of the Creeping Chill (buff)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:10 am
by SaltedSalmon
The awkwardness of Creeping Chill, I believe, is that its a bow that has a essential Void Walker skill in it.
Downvoting this suggestion on the grounds that I believe a alternative solution should be taken:

- Buff the Bow (Make it less expensive, have a bit more accuracy, and so- the works)
- Move the passive buff to attacks from hiding to a different place, so Void Walkers can obtain it without needing to take the Creeping Chill bow for some reason

Re: Skill: Sniper of the Creeping Chill (buff)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 9:30 am
by Goliath
The problem is Assassin's Edge having a bullshit condition rather than requiring this skill to enable

Re: Skill: Sniper of the Creeping Chill (buff)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:01 pm
by squib