Gameplay: In game money system and shops

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Gameplay: In game money system and shops

Post by Kraufen »

Again, another idea I had while discussing in the discord today with some people.

I love tem shop (Well actually I've never used them, but like the idea - and the ingenuity of using the newspapers) but a in game system would be honesty better.

in an old similar game I played, somebody with a merchant skill, could create a shop in any old non resource building. It essentially functioned the same as a vault, in that one could store items in it. Any player could then go to the shop, and essentially take items out, for a fee. So player could set they want to sell extended invis potions for I don't know, 30 currency a piece and the player would deposit the money and they would get the item. The money would be stored in the shop until the player who owned it returned to get the money from it. This also adds another angle that could be interesting - a skill that would allow players to steal minute amounts of money from the shop if there is money in it with varying degrees of success. Perhaps also a Merchant defense type pet that aggros on anybody stealing or attacking people in the shop.

Obviously, if there is a shop in a location, you could not put your stronghold on it.

as for the currency, you could literally still use newspapers if you wanted to

Anyways, I again just wanted to get an officially suggested so it doesn't go forgotten
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Re: Gameplay: In game money system and shops

Post by Badziew »

Some time ago I have posted a half-serious Class suggestion that had trading as one of available Skills. While the general concept of the Class was dumped, the trading mechanics from that thread could perhaps be reused, as I tried hard to design something that would be hard to abuse while still relatively user-friendly.

See "Path of the Merchant" section of this thread: ... pic&t=9598
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