[Skill] New functionality for Tattoo of Balance
Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 10:14 pm
As it stands Tattoo of Balance is a pretty bad skill. You get +4 damage for a SINGULAR ATTACK and then +3 damage for the next, what, two or three attacks? All this if you painfully manage your MO so in a raid you can get out 13 extra damage before going to the realm of +2 and +1.
So what if you gave Balance two (TWO) FREE mechanics?
Let's call them "patterns" on the Tattoo or something
This is for fixing your MO after you splurge on killing a few angels or demons too many. Or for fixing your MO mid raid if you've got mana to spare
This is for getting the most bang for your buck when you get to that sweet 0 MO. So say you hit an angel 10 times while having your big boy damage, the status runs out and then suddenly you're -30 MO
but that's ok because you can just use centering to get back to 0
no you can't use both of them at the same time
yes maybe this could be a skill of its own
yes tattoo of balance is a gimmick that's not going away because it's iconic but this makes it easier to use
So what if you gave Balance two (TWO) FREE mechanics?
Let's call them "patterns" on the Tattoo or something
Code: Select all
Pattern of Centering
1AP 10MP, lasts 10 status ticks
Every attack shifts you towards 0 balance instead of the usual MO shift
At 0 balance the effect immediately ends
Code: Select all
Pattern of True Balance
1AP 15(20?)MP, lasts 10 status ticks
MO shifts don't happen until the status effect ends, and when it does they all happen at once
Reusing the ability refreshes the duration, but the MO shift will happen upon refreshing
but that's ok because you can just use centering to get back to 0
no you can't use both of them at the same time
yes maybe this could be a skill of its own
yes tattoo of balance is a gimmick that's not going away because it's iconic but this makes it easier to use