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Flavor: Class-based Action Flavor

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 9:16 am
by Goliath
Context: I've levelled a character into an Infernal Behemoth mostly through power grind.
GrayScimitar has pleased the Dark Lord Tlacolotl through relentless brutality and violence and has been made into an Infernal Behemoth!
None of the playthrough seemed anywhere close to that description.

It made me consider how would an IB sabotage power generators/connection boxes with relentless brutality and violence. The answer I've come with is, it would probably eat them, or something equally brutal.

Referring to the anti-zerg message for trying to mess twice with the power on a single tile
You carefully study all the disconnected wires but cannot decide which wires need to be connected to bring the power back. The saboteur was surely an expert
but also to general power flavor, the actions of an IB should be clearly distinguishable.

I would add this tile flavor for characters with Engineering on an IB-unpowered tile
The power in this building seems to be off. Half the connection box has been bitten off and is laying on the floor amid a pool of watery liquid. None of the wiring remains.
this for successful repairs
You roughly piece the connection box back after replacing the missing wiring. Nothing duct tape can't fix.
and this for anti-zerg messages
You don't have enough supplies at hand to replace the missing wiring. The saboteur sure did a thorough wreckage job.