Gameplay: Cordillera Recycling and Processing Plant
Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 4:34 am
Where does all of Cordillera's trash go? Currently it gets whipped up by something after a period of time spent discarded on the floor. There are also Junkyard tiles, but I think we could do better.
Idea: the Cordillera Recycling and Processing Plant, aka "CRAPP", a location where all of the random items zucced by timer get a last chance to be grabbed before finally being destroyed.
- A new, unique map objective for people to discover, use and fight over!
- Explains zucced items and adds Cordilleran lore/flavour: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
- Chance on AP tick for characters on the tile to be COMPACTED. There's genuine risk to camping this tile!
- Perhaps the chance to be compacted increases with level and number of career badges, making this a more "newbie friendly" tile.
- The tile would be central (probably in, well, Centrum) but in order to limit people camping/SHing adjacent tiles, it should require a chute or tunnel trip to get to.
- Item shuffling could work similarly to how tile floor items shifted on the AP tick in B4 Catleidoscopia. This would help avoid too many items on the tile at once as well as adding an unpredictability factor as to what is found there.
- Alternatively: if cataloguing and moving all the zucced items is not doable or too intensive, it could simply generate items as if it were.
- You stink after wading through CRAPP - enjoy a smelly status effect which is visible to other characters.
Idea: the Cordillera Recycling and Processing Plant, aka "CRAPP", a location where all of the random items zucced by timer get a last chance to be grabbed before finally being destroyed.
- A new, unique map objective for people to discover, use and fight over!
- Explains zucced items and adds Cordilleran lore/flavour: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
- Chance on AP tick for characters on the tile to be COMPACTED. There's genuine risk to camping this tile!
- Perhaps the chance to be compacted increases with level and number of career badges, making this a more "newbie friendly" tile.
- The tile would be central (probably in, well, Centrum) but in order to limit people camping/SHing adjacent tiles, it should require a chute or tunnel trip to get to.
- Item shuffling could work similarly to how tile floor items shifted on the AP tick in B4 Catleidoscopia. This would help avoid too many items on the tile at once as well as adding an unpredictability factor as to what is found there.
- Alternatively: if cataloguing and moving all the zucced items is not doable or too intensive, it could simply generate items as if it were.
- You stink after wading through CRAPP - enjoy a smelly status effect which is visible to other characters.