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[DRAFT] Class: ES rework

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 9:33 am
by Goliath
In my opinion, ES is a class that has a neat niche lorewise, a super-human super soldier (basically a super-mortal), but falls rather short on terms of mechanics.

For that, I propose the following: ES skills are classified into skillsets, which are sets of skills with a common purpose, that synergize greatly with themselves and generally don't synergize with the rest. Such skillsets should cost between 180 and 360 cp so that they can provide enough specialization but making sure a pvl 30 ES can purchase them in full and be the best in their spec.

Some skillsets could be:
  • Endurance: Make more with your resources
    Includes Way of Lightning, Way of Vim, Master of Endurance
    Currently lacks skills to be a full spec, as well as providing bonuses that would belong to another
  • Resistance: Survive against the odds
    Includes Way of Antitoxin, Master of Vigor, Way of Earth, Way of Urgency, Way of Water, Master of the Flow, Master of the Reflex
    ES's durability is low compared to other tanks, this tree should afford them soaks comparable to other tanks and higher dodge, at the cost of a significantly higher CP investment.
  • CQC: Be the king of mano-a-mano
    Includes Way of Whirlwind, Master of the Hidden Energy, Master of the Lashing Kick and some new skills:
    Master of Coordination (modified Way of Void) (60cp): Enemies hit by a HtH attack from the ES are marked with Follow Up for 5 minutes (stacking duration). Attacks from other characters against marked targets will have extra dmg, acc and reduce the status duration by 5'.
    Master of Debilitation (60 cp): Your HtH attacks inflict 5? ticks of Weakness, stacking up to 10?.
    Way of Hidden Weapons (30 cp): Light Melee weapons are now considered light HtH weapons.
  • Melee/Thrown/Ranged (gun+bow): Other offensive combat specs, each with its quirks.
  • Scavenger: Focus on using improvised and poorly maintained weapons, or become your own logistics team.
Way of Air and Way of Fire would be lost in favor of skillset-specific alternatives (such as a modified Master of the Hidden Energy).

Re: [DRAFT] Class: ES rework

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 10:24 am
by Alkasyn
I think anything that could help the ES in being better at ANYTHING (i.e not to be average at everything) is good.

I appreciate these changes.