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Skills [Fallen]: Shadow Clone

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2022 1:30 pm
by SignedName
Child skill of Uncanny Allure. The Fallen is now capable of summoning a Shadow Clone that confuses enemy attacks. This pet looks like the Fallen's character sprite on the map and cannot attack, as it is simply an illusion, but has other utilities, chief among them, the ability to take incoming attacks for its master, similar to Imps. Additionally, due to its ethereal nature, it has phasing, allowing it to potentially take more hits than its low HP might first suggest.

Shadow Clone stats: 10HP, 10AP, 10MP, 50% phasing, same defense/dodge as master

Synergies- If the Fallen has the requisite skills, Mutual Suffering, Unabated Malice, Dark Aura, also apply to the clone. Whenever an effect procs, the clone spends 1 MP.