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A few factional ward manipulation suggestions

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:14 pm
by Yukari
Most of these suggestions are with Tem Shop in mind, so they might or might not be low prio for the game at large. But still I have heard people wanting a variation of these for non-trading situations. I also have absolutely no idea how hard they are to code or if there are balance reasons that prevent them from being feasible. They are not necessarily suggested to be implented all at the same time, they just make life for allied-dealings easier on their own.

1. Leaders can manually deactivate the factional ward.
* Press button, ward goes off.
* Maybe display it differently in the tile description ("the factional ward is unpowered").
* probably from the Edit Faction page.
* probably unpowered faction wards should/would/could not be able to work as a glyph of slowing/sapping for non-members like fully charged wards currently do.

Would love this for trading factions. Not sure if anyone else would do this, maybe letting allied visitors in (to grab a badge located in an inside location lol).

2. Leaders can manually deactivate/direct the glyph properties of the ward.
* Press button, slowing/sapping when ward is fully charged stops for non-members inside.
* Or, have it only work for non-allies/hostiles like pet stances.
* Also probably from Edit Faction page.

This is probably the most useful for having allies/non hostiles in your stronghold being able to do things (like grind badges or whatever) for longer periods of time. Specially useful for trading factions harbouring customers.

3. Leaders can have the factional ward permeate Allies (or even Friendlies/Non-Hostiles?!).
* toggle from a drop-down like pet stances.
* probably from edit faction page.

Nothing much to add to this one, if the ward lets you in, it should probably also not glyph you, but who knows, perhaps you trust your allies to come in, but not to have total freedom of movement inside.

Worth mentioning as well, I'm sure some people would argue for Forts to also apply to allies, or perhaps only partially (e.g. half soak). I don't have strong feelings either way, maybe it could be toggled as well, maybe there are balance/alt reasons against it. I dunno.