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Renown penalty for factions without a stronghold

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:00 pm
by Skouth
Factions that can set a stronghold, but refuse to do so should bleed renown at a rate proportional to either their level or the amount of renown they have. Have it bleed hourly too so you can't just game the system by setting it after 23:59 hours.

Re: Renown penalty for factions without a stronghold

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:02 pm
by SignedName
An hourly penalty seems really harsh? Not everyone can stay logged in all the time and set a SH the exact second they're able to. Revoking a SH already costs a lot of AP/MP, so revoking just to avoid getting your flag captured isn't really viable (and if it's still a concern, just make it also cost renown to revoke a SH, maybe something like 10% of current renown).

On the topic of renown decay, I think it could be expanded even further. A base of 1% decay every 24 hours seems fair to me (maybe paired with more ways to earn renown). I don't really see why a specific renown penalty for non-SH factions is necessary though, given that renown is pointless if you don't have a SH.