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'Ghost' mode when you die during a raid

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 11:44 pm
by lunalu
So, my conduit likes to go on raids yet her squishiness means actives often target her first and she doesn't get to see much of the raid at all. She's then left on discord waiting for the results!
My suggestion is something like a ghost mode where after you die, instead of the blank respawn screen, you get maybe 5-10 minutes as a ghost if you like. You can only emote/rp and observe the raid at that time.
I think this would be a nice way to encourage non-combatants, low-level fighters or those who just want to rp to go out on raids. It also means you can still 'part-take' in a raid after your death.

Re: 'Ghost' mode when you die during a raid

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 12:17 am
by Klapaucius
I think this is a fun idea. +1 for sure. The chance to RP a little AFTER all the gameplay is done would be cool on both sides, instead of having to choose between optimum chance of victory and optimum smack-talk. I also think any additional scouting/information that ghost mode might provide would be an overall positive gameplay feature, rather than a reason not to do this.