The last major patch changed things so that you gain extra AP for being outside your SH. While this is a laudable attempt to get people out and about, it doesn't result in that much more player interaction because it still heavily incentivizes hiding (which has become even more meta than before).
I propose that the bonus be restricted to staying inside a non-SH building, while being unhidden (hiding interferes with a good night's sleep). This provides a real tradeoff in terms of risk- get extra AP, or have a greater chance of surviving through the night.
Gameplay: Tweak to "Sleeping Outside"
Re: Gameplay: Tweak to "Sleeping Outside"
This would basically push everybody back into their strongholds, since staying inside random buildings without hiding will quickly find you dead. The extra AP regen doesn't affect characters stuck in the void, and the extra AP gain doesn't counterbalance the respawn tax except at very low levels.