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Improvement to UI for enchanted items in safe

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:40 am
by lunalu
Enchanted armour all stacks up the same in the safe. Could we label them or something and not have them stack if enchanted? if potion makers can label their pots, surely enchanters can do the same with their armour.
So I've placed three chains I fixed in the safe, all with different enchants in them. Faction mates picking them out can't tell them apart due to not having enchant skill.
Also because they all stack, if I want to take them out so I can tell which one belongs to who, I have to take them out one at a time, drop one on the floor to double check etc before passing to someone.... Same thing if someone places their armour into the safe for me to fix, I then have to spend x amount of ap sifting through to find that one pristine armour missing a few enchants.