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Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 4:04 pm
by Yukari
Just like one can see bars set against other people, let Font owners be able to see and remove traps set against other people in fonts they have created. It would let factioned Font makers extend a little of the protection they themselves get.

I would be fine with traps being visible by anyone who is not the trap target, honestly, but maybe this is a good enough compromise.

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 4:06 pm
by Skouth
I'll do you one better
Font owner can see and remove traps and also switch the traps to hit the trapper

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 5:47 pm
by Yukari
That'd be pretty funny.

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 8:05 pm
by squib
Tested this with a fellow player. And didn't see the trap she set on on a 3rd party in the remove trap drop down bar.

Wow. Didn't realize how sneaky traps really are. Holey moley! I always assumed that everyone could remove traps since I could remove the ones that I set myself.

Yeah +1. But I think it should be that everyone that isnt the target should be able to see and remove traps.

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:08 am
by Fellis
Do you think the dynamic of traps should be changed at all? I think the issue of them being invisible is that you have zero counterplay to connecting to the font and dying immediately because you used the font 6 times yesterday. I feel like if traps discharged one at a time then they'd be a bit more fair to be invisible and would actually be more of a deterrent of walking away from the font.

If they are visible, then you just tell your friend to avoid that font, use the one two spaces away, and the effort the trapper spent is pretty wasted because you can just defuse it when its convenient to eat a death. I mean the effort feels wasted anyway because who cares about dying

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:09 pm
by squib
Squib here to talk about my feelings on traps.

Felis makes some good points on the importance of traps being invisible. I change my vote -1

however, I think some element of danger is thrilling, and I feel it's important to have an alternate means to eliminating the opposition other than direct fighting. For this reason I think the idea of a single connection font trap kill is something that shouldn't be done away with. I feel having a limit of single trap hit per use or connection is not enough of a deterent for people abusing your font network. A few first aid kits and any pushback to font abuse is nulled. Baring only is an effective strategy, if you have a tremendous amount of mp at your disposal.

Now 6 uses, I'll have to agree is a bit arbitrary. But what if the threshold for allowing a trap kill were tied to doing damage to the font (overdraws) and/or the amount of mp taken from a font, rather than per usage?

Summoning 5 20mp pets and exhausting a font's reserves and max depth should be more punishable than drawing 5 times to charge your reveal gem.

All this being said squib loves being a gremlin under the bridge, and appreciates this indirect avenue for sadism in this morality simulator.

Re: Font Owner can see and remove Traps

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:04 am
by NearNihil
Having played with font traps a little bit, I had the same idea earlier. Base the number of traps on the total MP drawn from that font in the past 24 hours. Maybe 1 trap per 5 MP or so. That way Conduits gliding across the ley lines are less of a target and PMs with their occasional hundreds of MP drawn more so. Would also prevent traps if you're just checking up on the font.