Attacks no longer cost MP
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:53 am

this one's 4 u big guy
ACTUAL PREAMBLE: This is for next breath, obviously. It's probably not going to change anything in the long run but maybe some ideas can be filtered into the game and make it hopefully better
Mana Points. Some classes can't get enough of it, some classes literally don't use it. Get this, the game's already gated by your AP, 72 actions every however many hours. Why do you have to be gated further by mana points if/when you finally find something to kill? I understand mana generation technology has evolved this breath but it's still fucked up that sometimes you just have a load of AP still and you have to scramble to pray/pop slice/literally kill yourself to get some mana so you can continue attacking
so the thing is, what if single attacks just didn't cost any mana. Innates, spells, you name it, bam, just the single AP to use it.
what way you can shift mana costs to CRAZY INTERESTING STUFF like, idk, fucking way of urgency-like stuff (and also pls remove >1 ap cost buffs ty) or aoe attacks or dirt punching or travel skills or SPENDING MP TO REPAIR STUFF MORE EFFICIENTLY, idk, you're all idea people before everything else, i'm sure you can figure something out

this one's 4 u big guy
ACTUAL PREAMBLE: This is for next breath, obviously. It's probably not going to change anything in the long run but maybe some ideas can be filtered into the game and make it hopefully better
Mana Points. Some classes can't get enough of it, some classes literally don't use it. Get this, the game's already gated by your AP, 72 actions every however many hours. Why do you have to be gated further by mana points if/when you finally find something to kill? I understand mana generation technology has evolved this breath but it's still fucked up that sometimes you just have a load of AP still and you have to scramble to pray/pop slice/literally kill yourself to get some mana so you can continue attacking
so the thing is, what if single attacks just didn't cost any mana. Innates, spells, you name it, bam, just the single AP to use it.
what way you can shift mana costs to CRAZY INTERESTING STUFF like, idk, fucking way of urgency-like stuff (and also pls remove >1 ap cost buffs ty) or aoe attacks or dirt punching or travel skills or SPENDING MP TO REPAIR STUFF MORE EFFICIENTLY, idk, you're all idea people before everything else, i'm sure you can figure something out