Game Play - Reward for Raid Participation

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Game Play - Reward for Raid Participation

Post by Meric »

Look, we've all been there. Smashing away at a faction's ward and then someone pops out and takes you down. Sad times. Or maybe you are an advocate or conduit who built that war gear and made the portal and you came along as a cheerleader / to cast the clutch reveal. Wheres your recognition? I guess the faction can buy a hot tub now? Maybe youre the big bad ward crushing Corruptor who did half the ward yourself. I hope the ES left you some combat xp scraps inside after he watched you do it.

I would suggest as a way to encourage people to raid in addition to encouraging non-standard classes to raid is to give a nominal xp reward for players who attend which increases with raid success. Raiding is so combat focused and combat rewarding when really it should provide some spread of xp for those less gifted in combat / supporting in other ways. Last breath I had a rev getting north of 500xp per raid and a buffing advocate getting a pat on the back. That contrast is stark.

For example:
  • Any factionmate on the raided SH tile or whom has bashed the enemy ward since last tick when it goes down is rewarded 25xp for breaching the defences. +15 bonus xp for the player who delivered the ward killing blow
  • I do believe bashing cades now gives xp but if not the SH ones then a little something here if cades come all the way down - say 10xp for all raiders inside the SH when the last bit falls away
  • Any factionmate on the SH tile or has been on the SH tile since last tick when the flag is taken is rewarded 50xp for taking down the SH. +25 bonus xp for the player who grabbed the flag.
Thats a basic boon of ~75-85xp for coming along and a potential windfall of 115xp for the try hard who did the ward in and grabbed the flag. The figures could be half'd but it would be good to see some provision / reward for non-combat / non-obvious healing actions in raids.

Now the Conduit who portaled your butt there gets something instead of the books you promised to get him but never will.
Last edited by Meric on Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Game Play - Reward for Raid Participation

Post by Nayru »

if a conduit cares about 5 xp books when they have access to freecraft procs + chont xp they're completely clueless

but the entire reason i made ward/fort count for damage dealt is to take away from how much of a raid contribution was a 'stat blackhole' as i called it, if i could've coded more convoluted things back then i'd've prol done something like this

but now we can do entire new systems so anything to make raids ridiculously big would prol be kind of fun
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Re: Game Play - Reward for Raid Participation

Post by Fellis »

Meric wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:25 am Now the Conduit who portaled your butt there gets something instead of the books you promised to get him but never will.
This is how you get yourself tele'd to 1,1 with the "ride home" wormhole.

Also I am behind this, although I would probably put a little more on the intermediate steps of the traditional raid and less on the completion. With the possibility that factions get large, I don't want to put more emphasis on "winning" a raid. I'd prefer people be more comfortable with losing raids and rewarding even the act of attacking. I think some bonus for most damage is probably in order as well. I bashed for my factions a ton when I was level 30 and didn't care about whatever, but with Ranks, XP is more relevant for much longer.
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