Getting a Rank now tells passersby, as if you gained a Level. Getting the maximum Rank now tells the whole world, as if you reached the maximum Level.
Major Bugs
Solved a bug where Wormholes weren't appearing to people who had their interface portal pane closed. Bug report thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3255
Female Foo Lions were infusing every time anyone, including their summoner, actively infused. They are only supposed to infuse when an Evil character infuses, to counter the evildoer. This infusion action now costs the lion 1 AP.
Minor Bugs
Corrected sprites not healing in certain cases - hotfix deployed 2022 May 15
Fixed Termite Paste not hitting 100% of the time.
Corrected an issue causing sprites to heal all characters in need every pet tick - hotfix deployed 2022 May 23
Fixed a bug where Reforged pets were assigning faction membership incorrectly. They now are members of the Heavenly Host.
Fixed a bug where former Overlords who got usurped in battle weren't being correctly told who usurped them.