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[Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 3:20 am
by Cerce
I want like dah pet but its just very inefficient to have resource wise and battle wise like its base attack being a ghoul with 10 damage and to reach the same lvl of damage as a fossil monstrosity it takes 5 kills....on top of dat it cost 25 mp to reg the Necrophage's own mp which is 40 total while the fossil monstrosity have 80 mp and cost the same to reg it with 25 also has life steal which is nice but kinda useless when its hp reaches 210 and can be reg to it but only could reach dat if it manages to get a killing blow among the other 10 or so ghouls that do the same base damage and also if it doesn't run out of mp like the other 10 or so ghouls or the attacker just decides yeah I'll just kill the pet master and make dem just have to redo what ever amount of effort to get the Necropage close to the fossil monstrosity's base attack....Honestly to use 3 ghouls which cost 10 mp to raise which cost a total of 30 mp to just combine and make a slightly (and it really feels slightly) strongish ghoul is not worth it and I rather just keep the 3 ghouls..
Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:12 am
by Nayru

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Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:22 am
by cat
Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:30 am
by Nayru

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Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:52 pm
by Meric
Huh, I guess I was just misreading the wiki when it says:
If it kills an enemy, it will increase its damage output by 1 (to a cap of 15)
I assumed this meant it starts off doing 10dmg as a ghoul but if you are lucky enough to get 15 kills under its belt it will increase its damage to 25 max. I imagined it was this high-risk but high-reward pet. A lot of investment but a serious soak-breaker / tank resistor when maxxed or part maxxed. With lots of risk in a premature death if it doesnt gather kills.
Giving the ebb and flow of the nexus with raids and tanks I would have assumed most people would average out to a +13 to +17 dmg Necro (unless your factionmates or death farmers are literally throwing themselves at you to build it up).
However, Ive been informed it actually means it caps out at
15 dmg after 5 kills. Not that you can increase its damage output a total of 15 times.
If that is the case then this pet is just, well its not very good as a titan pet really. Not only does it not synergise with Ghouls at all by subtracting from the horde multiplication system but to just bring it inline with other titan pets it needs two kills (~12dmg) whilst boasting the most inferior damage type except Juggernauts. Thats not to mention that you need to sacrifice 3 ghouls to produce it in the first instance and it has an awful mp total of 40 which is the lowest of any titan pet by 20%. Similarly, I know Fossil doesnt synergise with Ghouls but the difference is you dont have to diva-feed a fossil for it to be of any use.
Diva-feed- I cannot even begin to share how tedious it is ensuring this thing lands the final blow amongst your horde whilst hunting.
It would have to get 2 kills for its health (90hp) and 5 kills for its damage (15) to be on the summon level of a Fossil Monstrosity whilst being inferior in MP and time to build up. Plus by the time that occurs you would have had to rejuv it a handful of times because of its very limiting MP.
Its health I guess is nice but it really amounts to nothing if it is only hitting for 15dmg as the obvious answer is to go for the vastly more killable Lich as it pings off of most tanks for an annoying but ultimately irrelevant 15dmg - like you would a Fossil. Plus to get the max health level it requires 10 kills.
Im abit disappointed in this purchase sadly and would have preferred Wights to this pet had I interpreted the wiki better. I would suggest the following adaptions to make this pet more justifiable if it were to remain largely the same.
- Maintain the max 15 dmg but allow the Lich to feed its ghouls to it to boost its damage / health.
- Rejuv on char kill - deserves it more than the Wheel does
Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:04 am
by Nayru
have thought about starting it at 13 slash and going up to 18 at least for the effort
guess even though sorting out its regenerative mechanics was a pain could up its mp + reset its mp on kill as well
don't know about possibly regenerating 200 hp every time it kills a pet though
Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 8:36 pm
by Liemannen
I am fine if new born Necrophage is weaker than Fossil, if Necro could make zombies/ghouls (depending on the lich skills) when it kills people.
Necrophage growing stronger if you nurture it is a neat idea and I bought the skill before doing any research, only for faction mates to make fun of my choice

But I like the idea of Necrophage.
Re: [Skills:] Why dah [Summon] Necrophage so horrid
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2022 10:31 pm
by Liemannen
buff(er) necrophages incoming