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Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:50 am
by molovian
My AP Has not gone up for 3 - 15 minute ticks, it has stayed at 0, my MP has gone up though by at least one that I noticed but it may have missed a tick or two as I only remember enough to be sure of one increase.

So I don't know if I am under some status or not, though none listed that I can tell, or a bug so I thought I would mention it.

My character is at ... r&id=11755

As a note I did nothing special that I haven't dome before. I used a couple mystic vigors to get some ap, read some books, searched a couple of time and I was killed and the AP not going up happenned before I was killed as well as after. I also leveled up and bought a couple of skills before I noticed my AP not going up and I had used Transcension to get to my location. Will update if it starts going up again.


Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:04 pm
by molovian
Update, the problem occurred between 6-7 EST. I think the game time listed was between 11-12 where AP did not increase. But I just got one AP at the 7est / 12Gametime tick. Also this is the first time I have noticed this.

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:39 am
by Lemonaldo
I also had this happen on all 3 of my characters. Ap did increase since I last checked but not by as much as it should have. Interestingly, it seems to have shorted me more ap on some characters than others.

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:44 am
by SaltedSalmon
I seem to receive MP on all ticks, but AP is half and half.

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:55 am
by Santril
I posted a separate bug report on this exact same issue, my bad! My characters all have the same problem, now.

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:26 am
by molovian
I just noticed it happen again. Not sure when it occurred as I was checking to see when I would be full of AP but lost 8 AP from the last time I checked from what I should have had, not lost once I received them...

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:12 pm
by Liemannen
I have noticed this once, didn't get one AP during a tick fight. 0 AP on xx57 and when I hit reload (to attack again) few minutes after tick was supposed to happen I got the no AP notification. If it has happened more to my characters I haven't noticed.

Re: Not receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:58 pm
by Nayru
currently +ap part of aptick has been ripped out and runs 5 seconds after the usual tick

so you get ap on :07 or so rather than :02