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Not Receiving AP On Tick

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:17 am
by Santril
I observed the issue on one of my characters: ... r&id=13400

This character did not gain any AP for three AP Ticks between 2:00, EST and 3:00, EST. I believe that was 07:00 - 08:00, Game Time. I noticed they stopped gaining AP because I put them in a building at (roughly) 1:57, EST, and wanted to use the AP gain at 2:00 to make them hide. After they gained no AP for an hour, I released this character, and they began to regain AP normally after that. As of 21:00 EST (2:00 Game Time), however, it has been nineteen hours since I first noticed the issue, and the character I released has only regained 46 AP in that time. They weren't listed as being under any status effect.

The character received AP at the AP Ticks 2:15 (Game Time) and 2:30 (also Game Time).