Possible Armor Bug/Glitch
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:49 pm
Possible Armor Glitch/Bug
So according to the wiki -
Any other order i cant equip all three.

Bug fixed via Discord 13.01.22 - Can Be Sent to Squashed
So according to the wiki -
I seems to have been able to equip only in this order 3 types of Armor. Light -> Med -> Heavy"More than one kind of armor can be worn at the same time, provided they do not take up the same armor slot (for example, trying to wear two armors that take up the Light armor slot is not allowed, but wearing one armor that takes up the Light armor slot and another that takes up the Medium armor slot is acceptable). Heavy armor takes up both armor slots.
Any other order i cant equip all three.

Bug fixed via Discord 13.01.22 - Can Be Sent to Squashed