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Double charged AP on simple action

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 11:55 am
by Meric
Across my chars Ive had a few situations where I felt Ive been double charged AP for simple actions but Ive mostly brushed it off. However, I do believe I caught a clear example as below.

Simple three AP building move across (out - move across - in). No doors to open, got charged 2AP for the step across between tiles. Doesnt look like any other factors like hard terrain, wards, spam clicking etc

Re: Double charged AP on simple action

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2021 9:22 pm
by Flume
Just noticed 3 double AP movement actions in a row on Fake Thomas Jefferson. Traveling from 52,24 to 53,25 to 54,26 Cordillera so no mountain or water based tiles were traversed.

I was at 50 inventory, thought it might be a new encumbrance mechanic, and it did stop after I dropped a battery... but I found this bug report and it appears that's not the case.

Re: Double charged AP on simple action

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:44 pm
by Rincewind
I've found the issue, University tiles were mistakenly set as taking 2 AP to cross without flight.