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Some pet on pet attacks/kills seem not to grant XP
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:29 pm
by Telp
I'm loving this message:
Code: Select all
- (2 times) Your experience gain for this action has not occurred! You should discuss this error message with the development team. (2022-02-04 04:29:11).

- Pet on pet.PNG (37.01 KiB) Viewed 2257 times
I have no idea whether I actually received the XP or not.
Seen on
Abdul Alhazred.
Re: Some pet on pet attacks/kills seem not to grant XP
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 7:22 pm
by GreatCatatonic
You did not. There have been implemented anti-farming mechanisms this breath, so you can only gain so much XP off of one character. You will largely only see this against petmasters, as they're typically the only single character from whom you can extract that much XP, via their pets; everyone else is likely to die after being dealt that much damage.
Re: Some pet on pet attacks/kills seem not to grant XP
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:44 am
by Kandarin
There are caps on XP gains from interacting with the same character or (a much higher cap) the same player in one day. This is there as an across-the-board counter on various sorts of farming. Petmasters are most likely to hit it via fighting other petmasters since petmasters are so good at obtaining XP (there's a reason why the top XP earners at the moment are all petmasters) and another petmaster represents a huge source.