Desecration attempts while at full ap fail to grant/refund AP
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2022 2:57 pm
72/72ap ->(gain ap from desecration result) -> 72/72AP -> (Desecration skill cost of 2ap) -> 70/72 ap
- You find a hunk of meat from those you have slain. Dark energy courses through it, causing it to shrivel and harden. (2022-08-14 14:55:00).
- Exhilaration born of the death throes of the slaughtered fills you. You gain 3 AP. (2022-08-14 14:55:00).
72/72ap ->(gain ap from desecration result) -> 72/72AP -> (Desecration skill cost of 2ap) -> 70/72 ap
- You find a hunk of meat from those you have slain. Dark energy courses through it, causing it to shrivel and harden. (2022-08-14 14:55:00).
- Exhilaration born of the death throes of the slaughtered fills you. You gain 3 AP. (2022-08-14 14:55:00).