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Getting Double Badges?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:34 am
by erikune
I noticed something a bit strange on a few characters, just starting today.
erikune has been repairing daggers and crafting the occasional one, and today just picked up the Factory Foreman badge and Tinker badge.
- You have earned the Factory Foreman badge! (2023-07-15 00:20:20).
- You have earned the Tinker badge! (2023-07-15 05:12:29).
The problem is that erikune already had the Tinker badge, and so now has the badge twice.

It's not the only strangeness, as Set o Lockpicks and the eternal quest of lockpicking ended up duplicating badges as well.
- You have earned the Thief badge! (2023-07-15 05:19:39).
- You have earned the Burglar badge! (2023-07-15 05:19:47).
- You have earned the Second-Story Man badge! (2023-07-15 05:20:09).
- You have earned the Locksmith badge! (2023-07-15 05:20:17).
And, again, all these badges are duplicated in the profile.

I wouldn't say that I'm upset. Heck, Set being so good at lockpicking that they have twice the badges for it is kind of neat. Looking over logs this morning, I notice that characters are just now getting badges that they should've some time ago. erikune should've picked up Factory Foreman a few days ago (only one dagger was crafted, and it was the 102nd one) with other characters getting badges now that they qualified for days ago. I'm wondering if an update was pushed out that fixed badges not being granted, and that's why it's duplicating some badges on characters.

Re: Getting Double Badges?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 7:15 am
by Meric
Yep same

Just got the 2 basic crafting / 1 basic infusion badges on this char=4634 (below)

Threshold to get them is also way off so not being earned from a fictitious "reset point" or anything.

*You have earned the Journeyman Blacksmith badge!(2023-07-15 07:01:22).*
*You have earned the Sweatshop Worker badge!(2023-07-15 07:00:32).*
*You have earned the Color Guard badge! (2023-07-15 07:00:32).*

Re: Getting Double Badges?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:47 pm
by Kandarin
I think plscks did a working fix to this one.