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Boon of Tholaghru heals through Sorcerer's Might

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:40 pm
by SkullFace
Not sure if this is intended but looks like a bug to me.

Observed today on char ID 392 when I consumed a Boon of Tholaghru. Started with 39 HP, Boon at 19 ticks and SM at 5 minutes. Revived a critter and had 41 HP, Boon at 18 ticks and SM at 5 minutes.

Re: Boon of Tholaghru heals through Sorcerer's Might

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:36 pm
by NearNihil
I've just pushed a fix to the code repo, should come along with the next patch. Thank you for reporting!