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Heal Others used by pilgrim-exit Redeemed draining MP, not HP

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 5:57 pm
by LawOrc
Not sure if this is a bug or the wiki having things wrong.

Per the wiki, "Conversely, a Defiler who turns to the light and becomes a Pilgrim Redeemed will forfeit Life Vampire and receive this skill in exchange. However, the Pilgrim version spends 2 HP (instead of 1 MP) for every point of HP healed."

However, in practice, my Redeemed spends MP, not HP, when using Heal Others.

Edit: link to character.

Re: Heal Others used by pilgrim-exit Redeemed draining MP, not HP

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 3:53 pm
by Kandarin
There is a pending fix for this that will be a part of the next patch.