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Mysterious case of missing armors

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:16 pm
by Liemannen
They are rather big things, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but I hear that on several factions there aren't much or any of them stored.

Who takes and hides them. What do they do with them. Why don't they bring them back for repairs. So many questions...

Re: Mysterious case of missing armors

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:23 pm
by Karlito
Not really too concerned about thieves, but armor generally goes from my body to a smith's inventory and then back again without ever touching the safe.

Re: Mysterious case of missing armors

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:36 pm
by roly
Karlito wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:23 pm Not really too concerned about thieves, but armor generally goes from my body to a smith's inventory and then back again without ever touching the safe.

Re: Mysterious case of missing armors

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:49 pm
by erikune
1.) Wear them, smith them back up in quality for the XP.
2.) Wear them until destroyed, then either dump them when a full inventory or hand them off to a random wandering crafter.
3.) Don't bother with them, since a 3 soak against mundane only isn't going to stop an IB from eating my face anyway.

I don't generally bother with finding armor. I just put them on when I happen to run across one, and that's assuming the character's inventory doesn't have a priority for something else. I suppose that if I was aiming for Advocate/Conduit/Dark Oppressor with Enchant Item then I might consider it, but I don't think that trying to get an armor with a full soak suite plus one with +10% defense is worth my time or an Enchanter's AP on most characters.

I did have a Boxing mortal somewhat stymied by a Suit of Military Encounter Armor, but I don't think that "not getting killed by Lv.5 characters with Boxing" is worth carrying around half my inventory in one item.