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How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:36 am
by sekki
Given the amount of chatter about barricades it is time to have a mega-thread about barricades and the how-tos of making it interesting/applicable in T3. (And by extension make it suck less for T2s).

To cover some bases this is what has been discussed in suggestions:

- barricades provide soak
- barricades block flying

There are probably others but let’s start from here (that is let’s discuss things not mentioned above unless you have something novel to add)

Re: How to barricades in T3

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:45 am
by sekki
Barricades deal damage and or sap mp when you pass through them.

Instead of or in addition to barricades blocking movement they also take a chunk out of you (you know cause they have defense guns/ballistas or something). Could be auto-hit, could be accuracy based.

Maybe the higher the barricade is built the more damage/mp sapping it does.

Maybe instead of it being inherent to the barricade it needs to be “imbued” by someone who knows glyph of sapping/slowing/pain (maybe even prot could be imbued?). Because of the narrower focus these glyphs are more potent (pain should deal at least 10 damage imo since once you pass through it you’re done) and last longer than usual (8x? Maybe even indefinite.) Same hp though and damage to the structure also damages all imbued glyphs.

Re: How to barricades in T3

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:58 am
by Huojin
Definitely love the idea of imbuing barricades with glyphs as a way to add potency to them and force barricades to be addressed by T3s.

Might be an idea that only top level barricades block T3s? Maybe like 300 or 350 plus? A easy-to-moderate level of effort formost T3s that would need to do so to break down to a level where they can pass through (to whatever ends on the other side of them), while not totally invalidating barricades as an anti-T3 tactic.

I think ultimately there needs to be a middle ground where barricades are an actually useful tool in the broader territorial control battle that Breath 5 has been set up for (particularly with Infusion making a prominent come back), but not so great an obstacle that it becomes prohibitively difficult to raid someone when strongholds are established.

Perhaps a balance tool there would be you cannot construct friendly barricades in a 3x3 square around a stronghold, something about the magic of the location is too powerful.

Barricades need to be a valuable tool to use for resource control, establishing front lines, and broader area control - otherwise the territory war just becomes a game of who has the most infusers and can flip tiles first/hardest.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:40 am
by sekki
Since it actually wasn’t fully discussed I’ll add a note about how I’m imagining fellis’s quick mention of the idea about “barricades prevent glyph dispels”

I’m imagining something like you can cast a prot glyph outside on the tile. This prot glyph cannot be dispelled through a barricade. So you gotta smack the barricade to dispel the glyph enter the tile provided you are of the blocked morality.

This is similar in concept barricade ceilings but a bit different in upkeep costs and blocking a *specific* morality.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 10:58 am
by Klapaucius
Is it worth considering a paradigm where barricades are only somewhat protective against raids (i.e. no change from the current: splitting the raid force, causing trouble for t2s etc), but fairly strongly protective against infusion/counterinfusion? This would have the effect of aligning the barricade war with the broader good vs evil territorial control paradigm instead of basically being extra ward.

One or more 500+hp glyphs that can only be dispelled by damage will be a major obstacle to general raid offense. I think that adding mechanics that reduce the likelihood of raids making it through the front door would be a bad direction to take.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:16 pm
by Repth
I've been thinking about this as well and had an idea that when a tile has barricades on all 4 sides, there is an additional affect. I have seen the ceiling suggestion mentioned elsewhere and I think it could be a good way to give barricades a bit of a boost.

When all 4 sides are caded, they are capable of supporting a "ceiling," preventing getting past the barricades by any means. Of course, the only way around this would be do take down one of the barricades on the tile, deactivating the "ceiling" tile status. It requires a little coordination to get past but we do have things like Termite Paste and Destructive Blow that are already geared towards doing that well.

Maybe that's enough to make them relevant, maybe it isn't, but it is a thought.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:57 am
by SignedName
Maybe Barricades connected to a SH ward would be impassible by hostile alignments until they're destroyed? Fits in with the idea of taking and holding territory.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 8:55 pm
by Goliath
SignedName wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:57 am Maybe Barricades connected to a SH ward would be impassible by hostile alignments until they're destroyed? Fits in with the idea of taking and holding territory.
And makes getting inside an enemy SH even more of an AP tax. Against.

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:07 pm
by sekki
An alternate take on damaging when passing through barricades.

When landing within hostile barricades you get shot at. 1 shot per 100 barricade hp. 60% accuracy, 10 damage - Holy for good, arcane for neutral and unholy for evil. (Note that for “flying” this only applies when you “land”, for other travel method excluding just walking in you just get shot at every time).

Re: How to make barricades relevant in T3?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:20 pm
by Huojin
Barricades should be a method of territory control separate from the stronghold to be honest - it should be a power projection mechanic at it's core.

I like the ceiling idea, but it would be rendered unnecessary if 1. we had strongholds turned on and 2. there was a better "outpost" mechanic to go along with the territory control battle.

The solution to "barricades don't mean anything to all but 5.5 T3 classes" needs to be something that fits in with strongholds existing (and, if we're lucky, outposts too).