The Typo Thread

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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by SignedName »

- (4 times) You attack the barricades to the South with your Sword. Bits of debris fly from the barricades as your attack weakens them. You gained 1 for this attack. (2021-12-18 23:06:17).
- You attack the barricades to the South with your Sword. With a satisfying crunch, the last of the barricades crumble to dust beneath the force of your blow. You gained 1 for this attack. (2021-12-18 23:06:20).
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by chaosmarine »

Seen on Deathpoint
A wandering gypsy of a soul, Deathpoint gets restless if in one place for too long. Her heart is on the road, meeting new people and mixing special brews. She has a thing for pills, and tends to latch on to anyone who might supply them, but she has no other ties to any particular person or place. Her life motto is that "strangers are just friends you haven't met yet"
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by MrFrank »

Mathematics (52, 36 Cordillera, an University, Neighborhood: Ashford Academy)

You are standing inside of Mathematics. The interior classrooms are filled with cheap chair-desks made of wood and plastic. Most of the "blackboards" are modern holographic or augmented-reality displays, but one dusty classroom contains a blackboard with a forbiddingly vast single equation written on it, accompanied by "DO NOT ERASE". The building lights illuminate the area. Streams of warm golden sunlight pour through the windows, bathing the area in light. The door is open.
Fixed by Repth
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by Thenixon »

Code: Select all

 -  You lose 1 Magic Point due to your . (2022-01-28 02:45:39).
 - You feel the effects of your fade. (2022-01-28 02:46:45).  
I'm not sure what it's supposed to say actually, that might be a bug thread of its own. Looks like it was when attacking under Ineffable Mystery Cloak, with holy radiance active
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by RKBBQ »

Not quite a typo, but got this result from a mundane book:
- You read the book. This slim tome concerns itself with the beauty of heavenly flora. Some pages display colorful renditions of flower bouquets. You learned something from the book! You gain 10 experience points! (2022-02-13 22:45:57).
Seems like that's supposed to be a holy book instead.
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by ykl »

Hi, I seem to get some weird logs when attacking this particular player: ... r&id=13585

My character link in case you want to view the original logs themselves: ... r&id=13436

It seems to flip the sentence completely starting from where his name should appear on the attack logs (its even doing it to this post's formatting a bit):
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 4 points of impact damage. You started a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:31:59).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 6 points of impact damage. You dealt 2 more damage from a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:32:10).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 8 points of impact damage. You dealt 4 more damage from a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:32:17).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 10 points of impact damage. You dealt 6 more damage from a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:32:22).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 4 points of impact damage. This was a critical hit! You started a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:32:26).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 8 points of impact damage. You dealt 4 more damage from a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. (2022-02-14 04:32:33).
- You attack ‮魑魅魍魎‮ with your Fist and hit for 10 points of impact damage. This was a critical hit! You dealt 6 more damage from a combination attack! His armor soaked 1 points of damage. You gain 1 XP. This was enough to kill them! You gain an additional 1 Experience Points! (2022-02-14 04:32:37).
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by Lychwood »

- Your gremlin Froggy Jr., an Ancient Gremlin belonging to Froggy the Gremlin exploded in a burst of unholy Your attack affected 1 characters and/or pets. Total damage done was 2, total effective soaks were 0, total ignored soaks were 0, and total applied soaks were 0. (2022-02-14 16:49:10).
Happened on my vengeful gremlin's death explosion
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by BLORTH »

- Conanberg was looking pale and wan and finally keels over, dead from poisoning! (2022-02-15 17:26:05).
- Your Adorable Puppy has been destroyed! It has been removed from your inventory.
- Lychwood gave you an An even cuter puppy, a Stygian Bone Leech.
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by Thenixon »

Seen on ... r&id=13570 being attacked by a lich

Code: Select all

- xxxx attacked you with a Death Touch and hit for 16 points of death damage. You gained 6 MP from this attack. (2022-02-16 03:41:37). 
I believe the attacker is supposed to gain the MP here! Hopefully its just a message error. My mortal did not have excess MP.
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Re: The Typo Thread

Post by SharkyNebula »

- You send forth a pulse of divine energy to harden the resolve of those who follow the cause of Good. The holy energy suffuses your body, allowing you to utilize your other cloaks more effectively. Your use of this skill affected 0 characters.
The text in bold, which appears upon the activation of Divine Resolve (granted by the Holy Radiance HC skill) does not describe what this skill does anymore. It doesn't affect the HC personally at all.

Fixed by Repth. It will be included in a future update.
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