So I'm just gonna rapid fire them and you tell me if you agree with all, some or none and we can have a nice back and forth exchange of ideas
You can see invisible/hidden factionmates at all times
Maybe make it so you need reveal as a learned spell to have that? Maybe just in your stronghold?
Reveal doesn't remove invisibility from factionmates
Ever go into a raid and wonder if you should reveal but hold off on it because you'll reveal your invisible petmaster?
Revealing invisibility counts as an attack for pet retaliation purposes
Speaking of petmasters, throw them a bone here
Revealing invisibility applies a debuff that makes you unable to go invisible again
Have it be time based. Some idiot stonewalling a raid by chugging invis potions on cooldown is peak anti-game. Make it time based but not too long. 10, 20 seconds maybe?
[Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
[Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
- Your Adorable Puppy has been destroyed! It has been removed from your inventory.
- Lychwood gave you an An even cuter puppy, a Stygian Bone Leech.
- Lychwood gave you an An even cuter puppy, a Stygian Bone Leech.
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
You posted this just as my raid was being stonewalled by someone with invisibility? The reveal dance is not that fun. +1
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
A Parrot with a Blade - Melee/Touchcaster Holy Champion || GrayScimitar - Heavy Sword Tlac IB || RustyWire - Gunwiz
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Tue May 03, 2022 8:07 pm
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
Adding to the 'reveal adds lingering debuff anti-invis' vote
- Jelly_m00n
- Posts: 51
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Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
I don't feel there should be a cool down period before you can go invisible again I think if they invest the effort into potions they should be able to use it to their advantage. Also coordinated reveals can still get some attacks on them before they use another potion. It also adds value to Revenants and pets that can see invisible characters in raids which any faction can have so I think there are ways of dealing with it.
- sohdbrimks
- Posts: 75
- Joined: Wed Nov 24, 2021 2:49 am
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
Agree with Jelly_m00n, there's already ways to deal with it.
Maybe make reveal cost 3 or 4 mp though, 7mp is too expensive.
Maybe make reveal cost 3 or 4 mp though, 7mp is too expensive.
- Posts: 262
- Joined: Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:36 am
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
Invis during raids is one of the minigames which I find a little un-fun. It's a bit like the glyph minigame, in that unless you're packing the right counter or you significantly out-resource your enemy, it's hard to win once someone starts spamming invis pots, and the mechanic of actually fighting it feels like half the battle is against the interface.
Overall agree with the theme of the suggestion, though no strong opinion on the particulars. I think a 5 status tick debuff preventing invis potion use, that appears when you use an invis potion, would be a decent compromise.
Overall agree with the theme of the suggestion, though no strong opinion on the particulars. I think a 5 status tick debuff preventing invis potion use, that appears when you use an invis potion, would be a decent compromise.
Re: [Mechanics?] Changes to Reveal and Invisibility
I support this and also think the invis cooldown should be tied to status ticks rather than seconds, since people on mobile devices, for example, will take longer to make an attack.
"They could do nothing individually. So they went mad, en masse."