[Other] More Neutral Wording for Neutral Rank Up

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[Other] More Neutral Wording for Neutral Rank Up

Post by Nova »

It just seems odd to me that after getting all the way to level 30 as a class that, as far as I know in the lore, has no necessary interaction with any of the elder powers besides them creating the system you're mastering (well, aside from revenants, anyway) you get this as your rank up text:

- The Elder Powers have elevated you to the Nth Degree (Degree X) of their mysteries. You gain 30 CP!

The good powers and evil powers are already explicitly empowering their respective classes, so this kind of treads on an interesting and unique thing about the neutral ones, namely that you're just relying on your own cunning to figure out how things work and getting better at that.

To that end, I'd suggest changing the text to something along these lines:

- Your varied experiences of the Nexal Struggle have enlightened you to the Nth Degree (Degree X) of its mysteries. You gain 30 CP!
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Re: [Other] More Neutral Wording for Neutral Rank Up

Post by Goliath »

I'm not quite convinced with the proposed new flavor, but this looks like a solid idea for neutrals.
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