Evil Glyph Mastery buff

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Evil Glyph Mastery buff

Post by Skouth »

This is a TINY buff that will make all the difference in the world. Are you ready?

-Evil Glyph Mastery gives Glyphs +1 HP

"what does that even accomplish you dope"

The way Glyph Mastery works today is that neutrals and good glyph masters cast glyphs that can only be dispelled in one GGE by other glyph masters. People without Glyph Mastery have to cast it twice. That's all well and good. But Evil glyphs can be dispelled at the low cost of 1 ap and however much mana GGE costs, be they cast from normal people or glyph masters. This change makes it so people without glyph mastery have to sink another AP into deglyphing a glyph master's glyph, while dispellers with glyph mastery keep on trucking.
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Re: Evil Glyph Mastery buff

Post by Kandarin »

Good, Evil and Neutral don't all have to be different - see what we did with basic transmutation working the same way for Sorcerers and Shepherds. We could always give demons the same effect as Conduits instead if their version of Glyph Mastery is seen as ineffective.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
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Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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