Mortal respawns

Suggestions the development team does not plan to act on
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Mortal respawns

Post by Klapaucius »

Characters of level 9 or lower always spawn within 4 tiles of their stronghold if it is standing.
4 tiles is really, really close to your SH. This is stronger than ever when it comes to death farming and corpse delivery, and I feel like it's an uncalled for change.

It really sucks spending your whole AP cycle trying to get back to your SH. But exploring the map is good. It's not ideal to have people stuck in their SH. And if they don't want to be there, they have to dump their faction to spawn anywhere else. What if people don't want to spawn in elysium/stygia/OSSUARY? Should they have to leave the faction? I say no. I believe there's a better way.

I suggest:
- Remove the spawn location thingy
- 1/2 AP cost while materialising
- extend materialising duration
- Give the LS/HC 'pets wont attack you' status effect for the duration

Virtues of this approach:
- Should make it easy to get back to SHs that are in cordi
- Gives mortals a leg up hunting when they spawn if that's what they wanna use materialsing for
- Lets people explore the map without making them pay the brutal 1AP per tile cost

- people who want to SH camp in ely/styg/ossuary need to use beacons or learn the map to get there

Side suggestion:
Give good another logistics avenue a-la DOleport and wormhole

I've thought about this some more, and I think I would also make the following changes:
- Make this apply to ALL characters
- Allow it to stack with quickway/flight to give fallen jet movement efficiency (1 AP per 3 tiles)

I really think that getting a bit of free/cheap move when you respawn would be nice.
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