Channeling Trail not counted for debuffs?

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Channeling Trail not counted for debuffs?

Post by SkullFace »

Had a look around and I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else. Based on a few experiments (one referred to here) it appears as though Channeling Trail is not being counted towards debuffs.

In the example The King (ID 2433) attacks Lychwood (ID 8133) below:
- You emote, " ghosts out of the darkness, an icy winter following in his wake." (2023-08-13 12:18:59).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and silvery waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 0 characters. (2023-08-13 12:19:07).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and indigo-blue waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 1 characters. (2023-08-13 12:19:07).
- You attack Lychwood with your Snowball and hit for 0 points of cold damage. (2023-08-13 12:19:07).
- You say, "YOU ARE IT." (2023-08-13 12:19:31).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and silvery waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 0 characters. (2023-08-13 12:19:39).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and indigo-blue waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 1 characters. (2023-08-13 12:19:39).
- You attack Lychwood with your Snowball and hit for 0 points of cold damage. (2023-08-13 12:19:39).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and silvery waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 0 characters. (2023-08-13 12:20:17).
- You loose the projectile. It hits its mark and indigo-blue waves of arcane energy wash through the area as it impacts its target. Your use of this skill affected 1 characters. (2023-08-13 12:20:17).
- You attack Lychwood with your Energy Flare and hit for 6 points of arcane damage. This attack drained 4 Magic Points from them. His armor soaked 3 points of damage. You gain 6 XP. (2023-08-13 12:20:17).
- You emote, " ghosts away, giggling laughter echoing." (2023-08-13 12:20:44).
The first two attacks which hit the target are Thrown Weapons (Snowball) and they did not increment the Debuffs Inflicted counter. The third attack which hits is the innate Throw Attack, Energy Flare, and this incremented the counter by 1 (Energy Flare does 9 Arcane damage and inflicts Stunned status). On the third attack the damage received by the target indicates that the preceding Channel Trail status has reduced soak by one as advertised. Therefore in all three attacks the Channel Trail status is indicated as affecting the target but it is not counted.

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Re: Channeling Trail not counted for debuffs?

Post by Kandarin »

Confirmed, and there's a pending fix for this.
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