Skill: Eldritch Mixing Switcheroo

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Skill: Eldritch Mixing Switcheroo

Post by Nova »

As of now Eldritch Mixing does not seem to take into account the spell affinity or capstone eligibility of the secondary spell.

This runs counter to how the wiki described the skill, which is that it would use the higher affinity and apply both capstones if either spell was eligible.

My suggestion is simply to make it work as described on the wiki, and there are two reasons I think are compelling for why:

1: It will not make the skill any stronger. Since you'll have to include your main element anyway, this change does not increase your flexibility any more than it already does. If anything, a build set up to take advantage of this would be less optimal as it would have to spend more on higher damage off-element spells to use as primaries instead of just buying the cheapest spell to use as a secondary. For a build that does do this, the only change is which damage type is the supplemental.

2: While it offers next to no mechanical difference, this change would offer a world of difference for fluff and rp. The primary spell is the one that determines the attack message, and those are customizable. This would allow rainbow mages to actually show off their repertoirs, custom or non, without making them any stronger than the skill as is already does.
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