Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

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Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by Kraufen »

Hi! So I was reading up that apperently factions have storage areas in strongholds but since strongholds are added we can't use em, also Ferals don't have access to them regardless.

I think a personal Storage just for you could be really handy. As a new player I'm searching a lot and picking up lots of stuff, stuff that I probably wanna keep can't because I need room for books or other such things.

I've thought of a couple of ways this could be implemented

1. somebody could find an item called a lockbox that you can place somewhere allowing only you to place items in it.

2. A building type that is like a storage building. Maybe make it so players can't block it off as a stronghold or glyphs or whatever (still not sure how that works yet). So players can go to said building store stuff there and take stuff out.

I'm sure there are more options but those are the two that came to mind.

Sorry if my title is confusing since I wasn't sure what exactly to put as the type of suggestion.
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Re: Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by SaltedSalmon »

Someone posted a idea much earlier of being able to store items in Banks and you'd be the only one able to access those items. Would add a use to that map tile.
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Re: Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by Kraufen »

Yeah that's essentially what I'm reffering to I guess when I say a building. Could definitely be banks since they already exist in game rather than making a whole new building type. Yeah that would be cool
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Re: Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by Kraufen »

Because yeah right now I have all these alchemy items and spell gems and I'd love to be able to use them when I'm actually able to
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Re: Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by Meric »

I literally cannot overstate how much I love the idea of Banks providing player personal storage as suggested here:

I think we all would have benefited from this being an option during this season of play and I am excited to see how it manifests in the game.
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Re: Gameplay?Maps/items: Personal Storage

Post by SignedName »

It'd be fun if you could deposit Silver/Gold at a bank and withdraw it from another one.
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