It is a simple idea. Being a Nexus War veteran who returned to Nexus Clash at the start of B5, I have decided to shake things up a little. Factions can be somewhat insular affairs or a clique. Things can get a little predictable I would assume. That's why I have started a new faction for Good characters: The Nexal Crusaders! The goal is simple. Simple, yet as bold as it is foolish!Saints and heroes, warriors and martyrs! Our goal is to fight a battle some would consider truly hopeless: to hunt in, infuse and eventually take control of the evil plane of Stygia in the name of the good Elder Powers. That is why we are called the Nexal Crusade.
We will repeatedly attempt to grow our power in Stygia (once it open, anyway) despite being a good faction. We will try to sway the balance of the Elder Powers toward good by trying to weaken Stygia. At first we will settle near a portal to the plane and hunt/infuse/raid the plane whenever possible. Once the faction is large enough, if it can manage to grow large enough and able to infuse as need be we will attempt to claim a portion of Stygia for Good. ... iew&id=661

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