Bottle of Fermented Blood has multiple quality levels

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Bottle of Fermented Blood has multiple quality levels

Post by Mosquito »

As title suggest I've been battling a while with bottle of fermented blood having multiple quality levels,they do stack in inventory but when clicking "drop all" it drops only quality level X bottles. It kinda ruins that whole "drop all" button. Also they show wrong weight, it being anything between 1 and 4, maybe even more. But correctly count into total weight being 1.
- You drop every destroyed Bottle of Fermented Blood in your possession (1 in total). (2022-10-05 16:39:23).
- You drop every good Bottle of Fermented Blood in your possession (1 in total). (2022-10-05 16:39:21).
- You drop every broken Bottle of Fermented Blood in your possession (2 in total). (2022-10-05 16:39:19).
- You drop every worn Bottle of Fermented Blood in your possession (2 in total). (2022-10-05 16:39:16).
- You drop every average Bottle of Fermented Blood in your possession (1 in total). (2022-10-05 16:39:13).
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Re: Bottle of Fermented Blood has multiple quality levels

Post by Kandarin »

There should be a fix for the condition issue in the next patch.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
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Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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