Patch Notes - 2024 February 10

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Patch Notes - 2024 February 10

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Released characters will no longer regenerate AP and MP while released.
  • New members of the Council of Keys now start with a somewhat longer duration before prolonged death would remove them from the Council. Previously the starting amount was about half a day, and it is now a full day.
  • A new badge-granting stat has been added to the game: Magical Items Consumed. This includes Potions, alchemy-based Incense, Bone Trinkets, Chlorophilter, Pocket Space portals, Angel Tears, Pacts, Boons, Ices, and all Manabiter actions. Due to the sheer number of things that count toward this stat, the badge thresholds are 1500/3000.
  • Consuming Gold and Silver as a Fallen does not count toward the Magical Items Consumed stat due to the non-magical nature of the metals, but does now count toward the Pills Taken stat due to the nature of the Fallen's greed.
  • Broadly reformed how the Dark Priesthood Call Demons power works:
    - Summoning rituals are now "Lesser", "Minor", "Major" or "Greater" rituals instead of per-minute durations.
    - These rituals cost 5, 15, 25 and 40 Dark Power, respectively.
    - These costs are also the minute duration of the summoning.
    - Every vassal who answers the summons reduces the duration by 5 minutes.
    - This means you can summon up to 1, 3, 5 or 8 raiders, who have a generous amount of time in which to show up.
    - This is a buff for general usability (no more having to get everyone to respond at the same time) but also a nerf in terms of Dark Power costs (no more paying a mere 5 DP to summon a large raid team).
Quality of Life and Interface
  • Seraphs can now write on walls with a Clockwork Blade.
  • The Credit leaderboard viewer now contains all badge categories, including the eight new ones added during Breath 5.
  • The character list shown on your user profile now by default only shows active characters, but idle and released characters can be shown through a collapsible panel.
Major Bugs
  • Defiler Poison was cleared on death. No longer: it's now only cleared if it was the result of alchemical research.
  • Stygian Murder Wasps were spawning somewhere on an entirely different plane to the Corruptor getting hit - this has been fixed.
  • Fallen once again regenerate MP while dead.
Minor Bugs
  • Queen of Ice (and Cucurbitus Rex) now inform the player of what loot they've dropped.
  • Fixed an issue where Shambling Infection counted toward the buffs stat instead of debuffs.
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